The Mute Swan
The Mute Swan might not be native, but it sure is cool. This bird is largest bird by weight that currently inhabits Missouri. The are also almost entirely white and known for being aggressive.

The American White Pelican
These massive birds hold the record for largest wingspan in missouri and are well known for their fish catching techniques. These birds can carry up to three gallons of water in their beaks and have to drain it out before they eat their catch. They will also eat literally anything they can get into their mouth.

Canada Goose
These are loud long necked geese that are found everywhere. They like to eat grass and insects but they will feast upon your garbage. They are considered pests in some places mainly because they eat trash.

Whooping Crane
These are large cranes with a nice red crown. They are endangered and at one point there were only twenty of them left. While these amazing creatures are still endangered their population is up to six hundred. They are also five feet tall.

Bald Eagle
This is an American bird and it is known for being in American Propaganda. They also love to eat fish and sometimes eat other birds.
However they do not sound that cool as they make a high pitch whistling noise. They will also somtimes attack you during breeding season, so watch out.
- Canada Goose
- American White Pelican
Human Attackers
- Mute Swan
- Bald Eagle